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Business in the uncertainty and asymmetry of information
Meeting Point
Business in the uncertainty and asymmetry of information
Yevgeny Pentsak, MBF kmbs Research Manager, introduced executives interested in MBA training to view business as an intellectual game of the highest complexity.

The other day in kmbs an event in the format of MBA Pre-Start Meetings took place with the participation of Evgeny Pentsak, the scientific director of the Master in Banking & Finance program of the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School. At the meeting, they discussed methods of strategic modeling of the behavior of economic agents of different levels and issues that concern the founders and top managers of each company in the face of constant changes and asymmetry of information.

The old rules of the game, created in the XIX-XX centuries, no longer work in the XXI-th. And with the changing economic paradigm of the world loses value and old social experience. According to Eugene Pentsak, the metaphor of the modern world is the humanity that has climbed a tall tree, cuts down branches, but climbs higher and higher.

The turbulence of the world requires not only thoughtful step-by-step steps to build a business model, but also to work on its own life strategy.

Also within the event there was a presentation of MBA programs from kmbs, where the managers could learn more about the philosophy and approaches of the School, feel the "Mohyla" atmosphere, get to know the teachers.

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